Tuesday 24 November 2015

Narrative Codes and Conventions

THANK YOU for the amazing work on the Fairy Tales: every single one of you impressed us in some way. I have added up all the votes (no teacher vote was cast) and the final results are below. Presentations will be at the start of period 1 on the 24th

Challenge for Weds 25th November:
  • working in your main production groups
  • agree your initial Narrative and write it down (if you have not already done so) keep it to 100 words maximum
  • complete the Narrative Theory Challenge
  • nominate a presenter to summarise your understanding and the impact on your ideas

Challenge for Thursday: development of STORY and PLOT

Monday 16 November 2015

Deadlines: meeting them

PLEASE complete the evaluations by tomorrow (Tuesday)

Remember - the activity for the lesson on Wednesday is to continue the Consequences Narrative challenge - By Thursday you will need to present ON PAPER your Film ideas in response to the words on your Consequences sheet

Your videos from last week are in Common files / arts and media / photography / print / AS/A  level media videos

Thursday is also Prize day - awards for the Films - looking forward to it

Tuesday 3 November 2015

practical task - outcomes / continuity task COMPLETION AND PEER ASSESSMENT

This week you have three lessons on the Continuity Task.

Ms Humpleby's lessons Wednesday p1 / Thursday p2 to review, refine and to complete the film. On Friday, in Ms Moore's lesson we will all watch the final Film Noir Fairy Story short films that you have produced in the lesson: each group needs to present  a film for viewing and assessment.  I will video the spoken presentations so that you can add it to blogs later. 

This film will act as the  Preliminary exercise aka 'The Continuity Task' and so must include the set requirements: 

  • shot-reverse shot
  • match on action
  • 180 degree rule
  •  and the set action: a person opens a door, walks through and across the room, sits and exchanges dialogue with another person
Please prepare the following:

  1. A brief introduction to your film - keep it to under 2 minutes and explain what you were trying to achieve / how you organised it and who is responsible for each task/job role.
  2. The best evidence of planning from your group - this must be available on the author's blog
  3. The film itself
TFS (tips for success):
  • if you are behind organise and agree tasks and share the workload so that all the work is completed to deadline
  • take time to rehearse your presentation and practice content / timing
  • use as many media terms and as much media language as you can - it shows understanding and higher levels of ability/attainment (read your blogs and mine to check the suitable language)
  1. Use the time to refine and make your film the very best quality that you can produce.
  2. make sure that ALL blog posts are up to date and are the very best quality that you can produce AS WELL AS  a good quality of content AND range of techniques/technologies used
  3. Plan and prepare a way to collect audience feedback and EBI/Tips for success (T4S) - these can be given out on paper or digitally (try using Polleverywhere / Survey Monkey)
  4. EXTENSION TASK: write a 700 word evaluation of this activity: the Research, Planning, Organisation and Production.